Dinner / Meeting Party

I was due to be working all day, followed by a dinner / meeting party, but as luck would have it, I got cancelled for my morning workjust as I was about to leave, so I have time to catch up on reports, trim the grape vine, lay the table put the dinner in the over ready for Mr W to turn it on (I don't think he knows how to open the door so I had to have it ready in there!) and have a general tidy up.

Daughter Number 1 then messaged to say she thought her interview for her first ever Social Work job was a complete flop as her nerves got the better of her but within in an hour, she had a phone call to say they really wanted her on the team, even though they don't usually approve students who have not had a Statutory Childrens Service placement during their training, so I'm guessing they wanted her before she even had the interview. She said she went from crying her eyes out in the car to feeling over the moon at getting the job all in the space of a few hours!!!!  She then came straight to ours, forgetting I was at work for the afternoon!!!!

Anyway, after work, I came home and was straight away entertaining 5 colleagues (including that Super Daughter of mine!) as we were due Supervision on a difficult case we have had. We had a great evening and got paid to eat lasagna, drink 'lemonade' and have a right old laugh but they didn't go until 10pm so it was a blimmin long day at work!!!!

I picked flowers from the garden to make the table look pretty!!

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