
By Dollykgray

Abstract Thursday - Travel

Time capsule spinning away into the realms of space travel.
Actually, this is a pile of disposable ear plugs that I need to take with me when I travel. I use them on the plane to help me sleep. They don't always work.
My travelling companions also need them to help them sleep if we are sharing a room. They don't always work.
My snoring is getting beyond funny - Hubby is used to it but others aren't. I also snore when I am on my side so rolling over is useless. I had a repeat sleep test recently and the diagnosis was borderline so I have opted not to treat it at this stage. I did, however, have a minor procedure on my nasal passages today to try and improve air flow. Hubby was with me and asked the Dr about his nose which is always restricted and he is now booked in for the same procedure tomorrow! (You don't need a referral to go to a specialist over here,)
Thanks to Ingeborg for today's Abstract Thursday theme.

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