
Lauren's A levels finished last Thursday but she's been popping into school regularly over the last week to rehearse for this evening's picnic concert - her last at the school.

It was an emotional evening. She was Leader of the senior orchestra and of string group as well as singing in the senior school choir and chamber choir. Then, at the end of the concert 7 of the U6th girls performed a surprise song for Mr Bruce, the music director, as a thank you. It's a true sign of a good teacher when pupils are demonstrably appreciative.

Between the afternoon rehearsal and evening concert, Lo took me to the art department to see her A level work. I was blown away by several of the works in the room, not least by some of Lauren's, which provided my blip.

Feeling proud. She's grown into a very capable, but also considerate and conscientious young woman.

Fingers crossed she gets the results she needs to read History & Sociology at Leeds, but do you know, if she doesn't, something else will work out.

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