Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

nom nom, yummy hand

We went into town with Granny this afternoon to buy a new mattress and some bedding for the cot. Granny still feels slightly guilty that Euan got so much (the cot, mattress, sheets, a quilt and bumper) when Rhona only got a mattress, sheets and quilt! I decided the bumper was unnecesary so instead, she got a new pink winter sleeping bag. I did say that the cot is shared equally between Rhona and Euan, that she just didn't know at the time that she bought it, that was going to be the case! She also bought Euan some new bedding for his bed and a fleecy sleep suit for the caravan. Thank you Granny from Euan and Rhona. :)

I think my milk supply has adjusted slightly to satisfy Rhona more, although she does not seem to be a hungry baby. She is still sleeping all night. I sometimes give her a dream feed but even when I don't she sleeps until around 6.30. I gave her 3oz of expressed milk after her feed before bed tonight and she reluctantly took it all. She was too busy watching Euans TV programme and grinning at me. Expressed at 8 and got 2oz so considering she fed at 6.30 I am happy with that.

I got another giggle from her this evening, they are just delicious and I wish she would do it some more!

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