Return to the North

By Viking

Buzzard bonanza

Was invited out for lunch at my aunts today (next village) so before going there I decided to go for a walk at Far Ings. yesterday when i drove past this spot I saw a buzzard sat on the top of a tree, but I couldn't find anywhere to stop and was on a mission to walk so I drove past. Today the same buzzard (am assuming) was sat on the same tree. This time I turned the car around, parked up and took around 400 shots!Most it has to be said were shite! I had it on manual setting to begin with and most ended up blurry(not happy as came so close I could almost touch it) But then it returned to the tree and I changed the settings. this time were slightly darker but sharper and so have lightened them in iPhoto.
Very happy with the results! Like this one because of the 'action' of landing but others taken (and some butterflies) can be seen here

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