Micoscopic life

I swear when I took this photo, I was jubilant that I'd found an easy blip on a difficult day.  Meeting days at the Belair NP are always a bit fraught.  However, I did get out of doing the Minutes today, because of the eye injury - and boy did I ever choose the right day. 

We were voting on whether to become incorporated or not, having discussed the matter endlessly over several meetings.  Would you believe the same two people who had made objections and changes to the new set of Rules were still not satisfied.  Enough to drive a girl to drink.  Which reminds me - where's the gin bottle?  I need a cocktail.

Anyway the motion passed almost unanimously; only one abstention, and we don't need to debate it any more - thank the Good Lord.

Back to the blip - when I saw it on the computer screen this evening I realised that these two tiny  fungi were home to even tinier insects, that were barely visible to the naked eye.

That's why I don't like quick Blips - you always miss something that you should have seen.

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