Watching all the peaches

Today, being our last full day, we decided to cycle up the hill in front of the hotel instead of down to the sea which is what we always did.

Himself said i would regret not knowing what was up there if i didn't!

I regretted cycling up hill about forty metres after we started because it wasn't just up
Hill it was UP HILL.

Up and up it went. What was there? Homes, one or two apartments farms.

Then we were at the top and we were freewheeling down hill... that bit was amazing and i only nearly fell of once.

Then we stopped at the bottom and said 'where is shade?' Was 45 and tooo hot to stand out for more than 43 seconds.

We got back on bikes and worked how many seconds we could cycle between trees.

Then we found this pub and sat here in the
Shade and consumed 2 pints of beer each whilst admiring the varying female shapes which went past.

The male shapes weren't much to look at.

And we petted the one and only cat we have touched all holiday. Was a wee presh.

Lovely last day which was topped off in one of the restaurants at the bottom of the hill - made even more exciting by a German passing out with heat stroke. Her boyfriend shouted 'quick water please she has ....'. And held his hands up to his head to indicate she was bonkers.

Then she slid of the chair. And everyone sprang into action. Himself turned his chair round for a better look and watched amazed as one woman lifted the incapacitated woman's legs in air and perched them on table; whilst another woman slapped her quite violently around the shoulders and chops... and then totally out of the blue...


Himself's night was made.

Woman eventually came round after a bottle of water was applied... and her boyfriend dragged her to another table so
He could finish his meal ..,, she sat there stunned like while he chowed down. Gotta love the Germans eh?

Also spotted the Netherlandish version of me and him. Very strange but they were defo a different version of us. I think they thot so too.

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