
By Hirundo

New Friend

Dorothy Bohm, taken by her dear old friend, André Kertész in 1984.
I've taken this image from the frontispiece of the book of her photographs she gave me when I last met her in her home in Hampstead. It is her favourite portrait anyone has ever taken of her.
At that meeting a few weeks ago, we discussed lots and we came round to the issue of improving one's photography. She'd seen a few examples of my work and insisted that I enter some images for a particular portrait prize.
I said I didn't think I was up to it, but she demanded. Also, that I send her my shortlist of images to look at. No further argument. I sent her nine images from which she chose the two she feels I should enter. So, duly, they are now in the hands of the judges.

Mentor, critic, encourager, supporter, confidante, and yes, friend. To say I am honoured is truly an understatement.


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