My 2015

By Clairy

Blip is back

I am trying to get my blip mojo as I miss it so here goes. Will try and keep up this time, blip is beautiful colours of plants in our garden.

It's been a busy day, had an appointment first thing in Grantham Hospital which I was in and out for before my slot, that's service.

Then I popped to shops to kill off sometime before visiting Grandma, she was very fed up today and dementia really kicking in. FaceTime her son and daughter in law and she didn't recognise either of them and after asked me who they were :(

Then home and my friend from work and her husband and grandson popped over for coffee on their way to Woodhall Spa.

After that I played kids taxi for Jack and some pals to go to his pals birthday, they went to Kinema. I went home and enjoyed a peaceful hour in he garden before picking them all up. Managed to park next to a work colleague but with all the kids didn't get chance to speak.

Jacks friend stayed for dinner and a play, I have just dropped him home and am now finally sitting down for a rest!

Busy day am hoping tomorrow may be less hectic!

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