Mrs Happy

By Riwaka7


A second miserable wet day. Too wet to go anywhere and blip inspiration low. So I missed yesterday for the first time in three years. Today's is a phone photo taken across the school grounds when I went to see all the water lying around.
We have had over 100mm of rain. Our built up garden has prevented the school flooding coming in but we still have some work to do in levelling out our low spots which don't drain away. Probably just a matter of breaking the hard crust of earth a metre or two down by digging a couple of sumps. This rain should make for easy digging.
I have worked on a couple of Blurb books for two days now. One is for year 3 of Blipfoto and the other all about The Estuary. That one lacks some decent bird photos especially the spoonbills and kotuku so it can wait till I get something.
Commenting has gone out the window too so thanks for yours and I may never catch up but who knows if it keeps raining I might.

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