Butterfly Blipmeet

I had the immense pleasure of meeting Houseonahill6 and her husband who have travelled all the way down south from the Black Isle. We met at the National Trust managed Dunstable Downs site: it was a sunny morning and... I have never seen so many butterflies anywhere before. It was just phononenal and an absolute blippers' paradise. Many of you will know how much that pleased me, and thanks indeed for the favours bestowed on yesterday's Comma. Interestingly there were no Commas today, nor any Blues although I know the latter are on the adjacent hill at Ivinghoe. We did see Red Admirals but none settled.

Choosing a blip was nigh on impossible with so much choice. One of the many joys of a blipmeet is that you can chat away whilst snapping but take as long as you like taking as many pictures as you like without anyone trying to hurry you on!

So the main blip is a Ringlet. Then in extras, starting with the aptly named Black & Yellow Longhorn, clockwise are a Green-veined White, a Marbled White and a Small Heath. Then on the other collage starting at the bright green caterpillar (I think Gatekeeper?), Knapweed, a Painted Lady, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Cornflower, Field Bindweed, Oxeye Daisy, Small Tortoiseshell and in the centre a Pyramidal Orchid.

So we had a wonderful 2 hours in the meadows on the Dunstable Downs and just as long sorting and identifying afterwards. How appropriate on National Meadows Day! Thank you Houseonahill6 and hubby for the chatting and Brownie Badges too :-)

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