Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Summer scouting in the Arctic Circle

I confess that this is a cheating blip. 
Bjorn Arne Berge, the contingent leader for the Australian Scouts, took this photo of Miss C waiting for the official opening of the Scout and Guide Jamboree in Bodø Northern Norway.

You can't tell, but she has full official uniform on, its just hidden by layers of warm and waterproof  clothing. After spending several hours frantically sewing on badges and repairing moth damage on her ex-army camp blanket , I am pleased to see it being used. 
For the last week the Aussie scouts have frolicked in fabulous warm and sunny weather whilst enjoying all that Oslo could offer, but now Miss C will feel more "at home", as each major gathering/jamboree as a cub or scout that she has attended has included a large component of rain and mud! 
I am so grateful to the leaders who are caring, guiding and laughing with our kids. They are doing a fabulous job. The amount of photos posted through Facebook is really appreciated too.

Also hats off to the scouts who arrived in Bodø close to midnight. Due to the 24 hour daylight, they then embarked upon tent building. Unlike the (softer) scout jamborees in Australia, these guys had, as their first challenge on the day after arrival, to build from ropes, wood and canvas their own eating structures complete with tables and seating. Impressive.

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