Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother


Terrible picture but hey ho!'s dark in that cupboard! 

Had some lovely friends over for supper last night, long story short is we watch no end of cookery programmes #Masterchef and finally decided to put up or shutup!

Yesterday was the day, and OF COURSE it also happened to be the day that the float in the cold water tank decided to give up the ghost and give up floating
I had to multi task and as well as pretending to be a Kitchen Goddess I had to try and be a Plumber Queen and fix this, otherwise there was a very real chance my guests would be drowned by Niagara Falls 
Helpfully the actual plumber had tightly fastened the FloatScrewAdjuster and I couldn't work it
So I tied the whole arm up to stop it and waited for a man to arrive
TheMr managed to remove the float on his return home (who knew JUST the float came off....not me!)  and so he was amply rewarded with a sumptuous meal

I went retro, Prawn Cocktail, Steak Tournedos and a PearBelleHelene tart, with suitable cheffy amendments to each course, my lovely chums, MrsLiF and MsBlack were sent home replete! And they seemed to enjoy themselves

So my job this morning was to find and fit a new float, which I did, thanks to the local hardware store, so I am done with being busy for this weekend.

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