A green and pleasant land

Another gloomy and drizzly day today. I thought I'd nip down to the Millennium Garden to stick a few signs in, just to see how long they would last, I suppose! I'd made up a few laminates of the 'Before you trample this garden to pulp, please think of the poor beggar who's volunteered to try to make something of it!' variety. Unfortunately I had forgotten that the soil had been trampled for so many years that it was like concrete, so I was unable to push the signs in and gave up. I picked up all the rubbish that had been dropped since Thursday, made plaster casts of all the footprints that covered the newly spread soil, and took my leave. I'll try again tomorrow. 

I went for a drive down the shore road towards the Puffin Dive Centre and returned via Glengallen. I wonder if the new housing developments along the glen will ever reach the sea? I wonder if I'm in a cynical mood today! Time to switch on the Picture mode again and record the green and pleasant land while it's still there! 

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