I hear you....

We are wonderfully made. Our bodies have 650 muscles, 206 bones, 100 joints, over 100,000 kms of blood vessels, 13 million nerve cells which sent impulses to our brains at almost 330kph. Our entire blood supply, 4 litres, races through our lungs once each minute. We contain enough lime to white wash a small shed, enough phosphorous to make 2000 match heads, enough iron to make a 3cm nail, and the equivalent in carbon to make up a 28kg bag of coal. Better still all these components make up a functioning body, which is much more than the sum of its parts.


For example, the ear is an extremely complex organ. It keeps your glasses on and stops your hat from falling over your eyes. In addition to allowing us to hear, it has a key role in assisting our balance and orientation. Inside it, there are 23,000 hairs and fluid in order to deaden the sound of our own pulse. It is a high tech piece of equipment and can detect sound through gas, solid and liquid.

Given this complexity why do we so often fail to use our hearing skills properly?


The mouth is a wonderfully designed machine with many different parts that operate together to keep us alive, healthy and happy. It is not only used for eating, but also for formatting the sounds while speaking and for the expression of our feelings and emotions.

So again why is it that so often we don’t say what we mean?


For example have you ever had some one say to you “We are looking into the matter and we’ll get back to you” when they really mean “We’ve lost your letter”  or saying “Thank you for bringing this error to our attention” when they really mean “have you nothing better to do with your time??


Maybe you have even answered some one by saying “I hear what you say” when you really mean “such a stupid comment” or innocently asking your partner  “Are you really going to wear that out tonight?” when you really mean “I’m not going out with you until you change!


We are unique individuals with a potential for greatness. We have two ears and one mouth – maybe a reminder we need to speak less and listen more!

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