La vida de Annie

By Annie

Dormitorio vacío.

After all the stress and worry of the wedding shoot it was very quiet today. It's a huge responsibility to cover a wedding, a special unrepeatable day with in this case, guests who had flown in just for the event. The wedding was beautiful and I hope I've captured some of the magic for them. That reminds me - the bride and father travelled to the venue in a boat named Majic.... The quiet is especially noticeable now that the spare bedroom is vacant. The visit was all too short but I'll see them again, with other family members, next month when they are over for a bit longer. What I don't miss is Peppa bloody Pig blaring out from the TV in the mornings. I could cheerfully strangle that creature along with the pervy looking manchild who presents lots of other claptrap. I'm sure kids' programmes used to be more entertaining and educational, and feature less squealing and stupid noises. Maybe I'm getting old.

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