Swimming Lessons....

....for Willie! Some of you may remember my mentioning that my sister and her family recently adopted Willie, as his owner went into a nursing home and couldn't care for him anymore. They bring Willie up to the cottage with them of course, but in his 4 years the only time he's been in the water is when he's gotten a bath, so my brother-in-law has been working with him the past 2 days to teach him to swim. You can tell by Willie's body language that he's not happy about getting in the water, but by the 3rd time in, he was getting the hang of it. Although Willie is social with everyone, Nick seems to be his favorite of the kids, so Nick stood on the dock giving him encouragement to swim to him, and as you can see in the extras, Willie was getting the hang of it  and was much more relaxed!  :)  A very Happy Independence Day to all the U.S. blippers!!

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