Emergency Blip/Bath

After taking very bad photos today, and having no charge on my tablet to upload said bad photos, I'm blipping a phone pic. Today was an early start to get charity bank stuff done before the queues built up...then as Nate was snoozing, I had coffee & a tostada in a café and read my book!!
After Asha's summer school, we met the Slinns in a park in San Raf... lovely to natter the afternoon away.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing SO many people out and about...lots of good conversation.
2) Hearing about Danny's night with the Roma guys last night & realising we have the reputation of being the 'friends of the Roma' amongst some local people.
3) Time well spent with the Slinns, getting to know them better...lots of laughter & sharing of stories with them today.

(Nate's 3 months old today!!)

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