
By AprilJane

York House Gardens

On my way back from dropping Al at EH I stopped off for a run through Marble Hill Park and York House Gardens.

I love these statues and visit then often. Chris and I had our wedding photos taken here. The house in the background is the vicarage to the church where we were married.

Al had another good day at EH which was good as we had another let down from MLFO. Their incompetence is becoming obnoxious. I vowed last year to cut myself loose from these feelings but it seems I've failed again. I can't change them, I can only change how I respond. Note to self: must try harder!

Al sat down with his EH homework without a murmur. This freakish behaviour continues to unnerve me, but in a good way!

Betsy came home from school in fair spirits - she has been voted by her classmates to be a school councillor so she was pleased as she only knows three of them from her last school.

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