electric glass

By electricglass

Marking the date(blip).

So I like to run against the grains. I always have and always will.

I may do a photo with the number of the blip here or there. But it won't be 100, 200, 300....ok maybe 365. But the 365 is due to my random number love. I may do 18, 72, 483. But I promise to not make it as obvious as this one. It could be hidden in the street number of the building. The time on a clock. The score of the game. I'll know when I stumble across it. I think that run-in with my blip number will make the number in the blip a little more interesting.

I just like being different. And That's how I like to find my shots. By looking at subjects differently.

p.s. I'll try to not put up a 'shopped image tomorrow. The last three have been.

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