
By Kaysha

Mummy, look what we found!

The Olympic party may now be well and truly over but the memories linger on, as do the torch bearers with their magnificent trophies. We were lucky enough to see one of the torches today at the Montgomery Park festival and Miss A was delighted to be able to hold it. It held Little D's curiousity for a mere moment before he ran in the opposite direction and stole a ball from one of the church stalls.

It was a lovely day, with bouncy castles, face painting, posh hot dogs, yummy iced cakes and, as if the Olympic torch wasn't enough, the fire brigade turned up and Miss A and Little D got to sit in the driver's seat. The look of joy on Little D's face was priceless!

Little D also had his first haircut today. The little curly wings he had above each ear are officially no more and our little baby is now growing into a handsome little boy. No time to be sentimental, we just love watching him grow.

It was a hilarious, fun and slightly drunken night for me later, catching up with my old school chums for a belated birthday drink. Rob had the kids to himself and dealt beautifully with the dinner/bath/bed routine on his ownsome. He even put me to bed when I got home, that's how efficient he is!

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