The second half of life..

By twigs

Wireless, breathless and inspirationless!!!

J and I went for a walk up the Barnicoat Hill this morning. J usually does the up phase in about 45 minutes and return in 1 hour 20.........and she does this regularly! I, on the other hand, rarely do it. I was pretty chuffed then to have gone up with her in 50 minutes and return in 1 hour 30. The walking I've been doing has obviously had some positive effect.

The great thing about walking with J is that she talks and walks - all I do is listen, puff and add the odd breathless comment! We're going again on Sunday morning which I'm looking forward to :)

This afternoon I started on a job which I'm really not looking forward to - preparing and painting windowsills :( A little and often is the plan......started with a warm-up 20 minutes today!

I also set what I believe may be a new record for a fully completed online trade today...... I contacted a local seller who was selling a wireless modem/router. She added a buy now option which I immediately accepted then I drove round, paid her and picked it up. Total time from buy now request to pay & pick up: 35 minutes!!! So now I can blip from my laptop anywhere in the house!!! Yay :)

I've noticed since I got back from my holiday that my blipping has been less than inspirational and my motivation has been noticeably lacking. I know some of you have talked about times you've struggled with the blips too so I'm hoping that, like has obviously happened for you, I'll be back on track and enjoying it again really soon.......

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