Mr John

By MrJohn

Burning .....

..... off.

I've had a day at home today, most of it was spent doing mundane household chores but this afternoon I needed to escape the house so went for a walk up on to the moor. I was hoping to see the helicopters lifting all the large stone slabs up there for a new path that is being laid at the moment, but by the time I got there the wind had picked up and the helicopter had been grounded for the rest of the day.

Despite missing the photo opportunity of a large helicopter flying low, it was an enjoyable walk. I took this photo of the sun trying to burn through the cloud near where the new path is being laid and although not the most exciting image it spoke to me today.

This evening I've been running with the Ilkley Harriers again. Today I chose to run with Neil's group on a road run with lots of 3 minuet speed sessions and 2 minuit recoveries inbetween. Also on the run tonight was new blipper SNQJenks. We've run together quite a few times on the Tuesday sessions over the last few months and I'd explained all about blip and why I am always taking photos when I'm running. The Ilkley blip community is ever expanding :-).

The sprints were good fun and with a couple of the very fast younger Harriers in the group a real challenge. Tonight my legs felt like they used to a few years ago when I was on form. It's lovely to have that feeling back. I just need to work on my sprint endurance a bit now.

I rarely weigh myself but this morning noticed that my usual cake belly looked a bit less noticable and after jumping on the scales discovered I have lost just over a stone in the last month. I've been eating a bit more sensibly recently, but no real drastic changes. At the moment I feel light on my feet but I need to be carefull I don't loose too much weight so I'm just about to tuck in to a large portion of liver and bacon with some mash and veg. So today's blip is about .....

..... Burning off.

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