Blue lagoon

Until today, I didn't really "do" boats. I'm afraid of open water, sea sickness and drowning, so being on boats didn't really seem like the place for me. Today that all changed... Mark decided he really wanted to take Matt and Sam (who are visiting for a week) up to Latchi to hire a boat for a couple of hours. I agreed to go along, although I did reserve the right to chicken out at any time. I really thought I would chicken out too, and was prepared to spend a couple of hours on the beach on my own. But somehow I found myself listening intently to the man giving out the safety instructions, boarding the boat, putting on a life jacket, and sailing out to sea. And I really enjoyed it! We were pretty close to the coast line the whole time, Mark is an excellent boat driver (I would say "sailor", but it's not really sailing when you have an engine!), I didn't feel sea sick in the slightest (and I never have, I'm not sure why I worry about it), and I didn't drown (because I can swim!). Also, I saw flying fish and a turtle... a real live wild turtle, living in the sea! I was absolutely made up! It was a lovely day and I would certainly do it again. The boat phobia is conquered!
I took this photo in the blue lagoon, which was beautiful and lived up to its name. Our boat wasn't quite as flashy as the one I've snapped!

I've been so busy and am hugely behind with commenting, but am hoping to be able to catch up tomorrow.

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