Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Paint the bed

A few months back some overweight twat I sat on Jnr Snr's bed for a chat and broke the support that held on the slats.  I did a very quick botch job, but it only lasted until a week ago.

She has been busy researching beds ever since, but I said that I'd fix it properly.  Well, that didn't go down well.  I amended the suggestion to a fix and a paint job.  That was better, especially when I chucked in the phrases "chabby chic" and "antique paint" - she's so like her mother!

So today I nipped into Ches Vegas for a B&Q visit of a 21x21x2400 strip of planed pine and a tin of chalky white furniture paint.

After sanding off the remnants of scraped-off Dr Who stickers and their persistent glue (another reason the new bed was *needed*) and fixing on the new slat support, I handed her a brush and she was off......

She's happy (Dad's can get it right after all - phew!) and so am I (£16 spent rather than forking out for a new one).

Make do and mend needs to happen more often

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