Along Came Sylvie

By victoriapg

No Nap

Eli has been taking one nap a day for over a year now. Today we were attempting to drop that nap. This could get messy.

We spent the morning at our toddler group with granny Anne. Then to the park afterwards where I got to play in the sand for the first time. Then into Funworld to pass the hours till bedtime. Mummy had to dive across the kitchen table at teatime to stop Eli falling asleep whilst eating mango. Finally got him to bed for 7pm. We have everything crossed that he'll sleep longer tonight after no nap! Mummy's exhausted after having to keep him awake all day. She'll definitely sleep tonight! Just kidding, no she won't. Sorry, mummy!

I rolled into the leg of the kitchen table today. I'm now sporting my first bruise, bump and black eye all at the one time! I'm looking good!

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