The best laid schemes o' mice an' men, ...

... gang aft a-gley.© (?)

I had intended to do this on 27th May, our 45th Anniversary.
For obvious reasons this never happened.

Why, therefore, am I doing it now?
A number of reasons. ...
I can't remember if "we" bought it, or it was a wedding present; but it was the first of a collection pandering to Alice's addiction to things culinary. 
I've just held a census ... about a dozen and a half, including one, the spine of which reads
BRACE for impact...
"How to bake Paul Hollywood."
I suppose Mrs. Beaton would say "First catch your Hollywood."
I still, upon occasions, refer to it. Today was one of those times and I remembered seeing the publishing date 1972, the year we tied the knot, and thought. ... "What the hell, why not?"

I didn't mention the fly-leaf. I wonder what the same thing would cost in hardback now?

I've just checked - £22.40 from Amazon©

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