Into the woods

By FreeRangePlay


‪12 seemingly healthy young people die every week from undiagnosed hear conditions in UK! Today I had the honour of walking with some of their families and listening to some of their stories.

It was a glorious sunny day in London and we had a lovely time, but it was also very sad to see so many young people dying, many unnecessarily.

CRY raise awareness and fund screening programmes, but where is the government and NHS in this?

This very week in the UK 12 young people have died, 12 families are shocked, devastated, confused. 12 families lives have been changed forever. Next week 12 more will die, and the week after another 12, then 12 more...and this is a conservative estimate. I spoke to a dad today whose son's death was recorded as natural causes, so he is not included in those statistics, how many more aren't?

Often these deaths could have been prevented by a simple screening heart test or blood test..... why is this not happening in all secondary schools, universities, sports centres? Why are young people still dying and each year new families and friends joining the CRY sponsored walk? ‬

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