tempus fugit

By ceridwen

B is for Betony

The bee was systematically working over the flowers, dipping briefly into each separate throat on the square-stemmed spike.

How odd that betony, Stachys officinalis, despite its vivid purple presence, is a flower that most people might be hard put a name it today. Once it was a fixture in the herbalist's medicine chest, employed to protect against sorcery, nightmares and drunkenness as well as to treat all manner of ailments. Indeed an old Italian proverb advised 'Sell your coat and buy bettony'. The name itself is ancient, deriving from the tribe of Iberian Celts known as the Vettones - who gave their name to Brittany and Britain. So betony is a very British herb for all it's almost overlooked, except by herbalists - and bees.

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