Potty about the Borders

I always try to bring a little pottery jug back from a holiday to add to my collection and this time I found two I really liked:-)  When in doubt - buy both!!

A visit to the GP this afternoon to get the results of the hip x-rays of a couple of weeks ago.  As suspected, I have osteo-arthritis in both hips (worst in right one), but also in my lower spine, which explains why I sometimes can't stand up straight.  Not serious enough (yet) for any surgery, but she has given me very strong painkillers, so that I can get some sleep at night.  I will also be referred to a physiotherapist for exercises that might help.  It could have been worse!

Trying hard to catch up, but it might take a few days.  Thank you so much for all the stars etc for my recent blips and I apologise again if I haven't thanked you personally, but I keep forgetting to look at the Notifications before I reply:-)  Much easier if the star is included in the text, but all are appreciated!

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