Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Wild orchid...

.. With the gentle sound effect of pitter-pattering rain.

It is nice to be back, thinking about photography a bit more again.

I have had to promise (to myself) that I shan't let it overwhelm other activities. (I must have an addictive personality I suppose; I can easily allow something to sweep me up into its 'grip', to the exclusion of all else.
I could call it a gift!).
Hence I might not be quite the 'replier' on Blip that I used to be.
(I don't know whether it comes from all the 'thank-you' letters I wrote as a child but there is, inside me, an inveterate 'replier' clawing to get out. An unreplied-to letter has been known to keep me awake at night. It gnaws at my conscience.
Not that it takes much to keep me awake all night).

A wild orchid then.
I waited (a little while) for something (anything) to land on it, but chores were calling. There wasn't much in the way of insect life readily on show today.. Apart from a deceased and soggy poor dear bee, still clinging on to a flower. Too sad to blip.

However, as ever, real jobs await.

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