Hot Stuff on a Dome

Our dome clock lost it’s balls many years ago and they’ve been lying motionless in the bottom of the dome since that fatal day, so when the clock itself finally joined its balls it took us a little time to notice. 
We put the clock to rest a few weeks ago but I kept the dome as a photographic prop.  Tonight I decided to photograph a tiny chilly for TinyTuesday, so what better to shoot it on but the top of the dome.
Shooting on a white background for the first time in ages is the time you realise that your sensor would benefit from a follow up clean from last time.  Good old PS and the ‘Spot Healing Tool’ to the rescue.
I see that HollieGirl had set some themes for this month’s TinyTuesday, but where is HollieGirl?  I was going to update my write-up to a mystery of  ‘what is the chilli on’, but under the circumstances . . .

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