Brother Sun

Mike making progress on the roof. Not sure if the sunburst is good photography, but I liked it, and am telling you, Brother Sun is certainly throwing his weight around at the moment. I bought myself a lopper yesterday, and made an effort at cutting the dead wood off the citrus trees, but the sun was unbearable and wasn't sure I was doing it right...

And so much for air conditioning in the big shops yesterday; either they don't have it or it wasn't very effective - still, at least it's better for the environment.

Sr José, the borehole driller, came this afternoon, and seems pretty certain we'll get water - he also strode around with a slightly more sophisticated bit of wire... First, though, we have to scan him a slew of documents, and he then has to apply for permission from the Ministry of the Environment - which will take 45-60 days... 

Had my third shower of the day after we got in from that - it's the only way to cool down. We're supposed to be taking Sr Teixeira up there, but guessing he'd rather wait till it's cooler than the 42C degrees (108F) it is now at 5pm...

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