First cinema trip

Today CyclopsJnr had his first trip to the cinema. Well, other than the 20 or so times we went to Odeon Newbies during maternity leave but this was all for him. We saw a bunch of Paw Patrol episodes wrapped up as a 'big screen experience' which was actually ideal for Mr Very Active here. If anything will make him sit still It is Paw Patrol. It went better than expected and he sat fairly well. He was pleased with his popcorn and said he enjoyed himself, so we might have a go at a proper film sometime soon.

It was a stunning afternoon so we got the bus to Granton Harbour (another photo here) and ended up spending a happy hour and a half on the little beach there (yet another photo in extras). 

CyclopsJnr explained it all very enthusiastically and coherently to his Daddy when he came home from work.

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