
These are the minute 'bishop's hat' chillis forming - they're only about an inch long at the moment and unlikely ever to achieve their mature scarlet appearance. 20 degrees C and sunshine, as prescribed by ogatadomar? Nope, not going to happen. Fortunately he's just a blip voyeur, ha ha, so is unlikely to post a tantalising picture of his vast harvest of multicoloured chillis.

I did wonder about the name, thinking that they never really get to look like mitres; but of course, it refers to the little four cornered hat with the tuft on top which they (bishops) wear when not on ceremonial duties. There are several examples here. Come to think of it, I once collected a prize at school from a man wearing one, back in the Upper Jurassic. (A biretta, not a chilli).

In other news, it was an exhausting day. But I made a point of taking a break in order to attend a colleague's lunchtime presentation on his research into Alaskan volcanoes - wow, it certainly beat seven bells out of the other stuff I had to do. Great pictures, Dr McG!

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