
By Frogbit

Leaf cutter

A solitary bee which collects pollen on its abdomen. These seem to love my dahlias almost as much as the buff tails.

A lovely lazy day. Walked to the pottery cafe to meet Sally for a long overdue and very long lunch. Then I stayed behind to take a few pics while Sally went off to see her dad in hospital. The visit was marred only by my phone ringing and once again I heard an unknown male voice telling me that Son 2 had sustained a cycling related injury. This time it was while he was on his work experience placement at the bike hire shop in the nearby woods. Fortunately it was only a snagged thumb, sustained when trying to put a new tyre on a wheel. No need for ambulances and an A and E trip on this occasion. Phew. Having ascertained that Son 2 was still mostly in one piece I packed up my camera and ambled home.

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