Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Sunny Saltburn

With our favourite Fish and Chip shop in Whitby having been burnt down earlier in the year we decided to try a well talked about one in Saltburn.  The Seaview was very good indeed.  Staff very friendly and traditionally dressed in black and white uniforms.  I do like uniforms.

The fish was creamy white, tasting of the sea and coated in crisp golden batter.  And the chips were glorious!  Made from this year's new potatoes they were straw yellow with crispy corners and soft sweet centres.  See extra...

BTW, I ate too much.

I'd have given the restaurant a 9 out of 10 but it gets an 8 because of the added salad to the meal.  I mean, who on earth eats bloody salad with fish and chips?

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