Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters


Chopper Overhead

This big beast of a military helicopter circled and swooped in a really tight turn over my head whilst cycling across the Moor on the way home. It was huge and I thought it was going to land where I pulled up on my bike. It was so low I was trying to make my mind up which way to rapidly cycle if it had not seen me as it was landing. .....However - it then pulled up a little and went very low over to the RVI hospital and landed in the field behind. It must have been trying to find its landing spot - as sometimes they do land on the Moor for practice.

I cheated however to make the shot more interesting and put some lens flare back in - as I had to take the snap really fast with my little Nikon (ever tried that with bicycle gloves on!). This shot was after it took off again - hence much higher and flying away.

Rubbish day at work with unbelievable pressure being put on us - so this ride home made up for it. Well - that and getting challenged from a ten year old on his BMX for a race. Guess who won !!

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