A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

As advertised

More of the same. In so many ways. Though a little extra costume - especially so Madhatter can see the hat included. I have some really great action shots but there are so many other kids in them that I don't have permission to post so you guys are stuck with Anna and a snippet of the fabulous, sparkly back-drop. 

Kept Anna at home all day not talking which possibly helped a little but she was still quite hoarse by the time we got there. Fortunately another parent is a walking medical encyclopaedia and made an excellent recommendation of a lozenge which numbed the pain and got Anna talking and singing.  Another fun night watching the show; last one so everyone really threw themselves into it and there were a lot of funny moments. Topped by the teachers and Head splurging all the kids at the end - much to their horror as they had been planning the same and their plot was completely foiled. 

There has probably been other stuff that happened today but this was definitely the most important slice.  

Lesley x

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