
A lazy, rainy day. Memories4me left around 10 this morning in heavy rain, but made it home safely to her trusty cat, Emerson by afternoon. I did a couple of Bangor Daily crossword puzzles, looked out the window and relaxed happily. We had a lovely day yesterday on Campbell Island and it's always nice just to rest and reflect a bit on vacation.

The hummers are busy, fighting drinking and dive bombing each other. I sat close to the feeder with my Leica using the lens at the 90mm setting and then cropped the image. I really love the wing detail.

For the Record,
This day came in rainy with clearing skies by late afternoon. Perhaps there will be a nice sunset. 

The sunset was indeed glorious as I stood on the graveyard bluff overlooking the ebbing tide on the Machias River and Machias Bay.

All hands sick of the one visiting Paris and clapping for Maine's Susan Collins who say she is a no vote on the new and equally horrible health bill.

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