
By tookie

abstract fan

I've got lots to back blip from my recent Portland trip to help out with the grandkids while my son is away for a work assignment.....such a nice connection with the dil and the down was not nice as there was a ten mile backup in one spot due to a shooting....less of a back up on way home in another spot...only a 3 mile backup.  
      resting up....went to a dr. apt for the manual manipulations I get for my joints and some work on the ankle of the foot I broke.  Then grocery shopping to fill pantry and then home to relax.  Called a very old high school and girl scout friend who had recently contacted my via fb.  Found out she's had a life threatening  event in her life , but she is ok now.  Her birthday is tomorrow and she's also going to marry her partner!  Happy day for them...they live in rural Spokane and seem to live an interesting life with cows, horses, chickens etc.  Quite a conrast to the Ohio suburban home she grew up in near me!  She actually lived in her youth nearby Connections and went to the same high school as we did altho I don't think they knew each other!  Small world.  I'll begin back posting later:)  Stay tuned

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