Sandtray work

Today was the second day in my 'Sandtray in Education' course. I have enjoyed doing something very hands on and practical which feels very nurturing. Hopefully some of my clients will benefit from this.

The focus of today's sandtray is a small world which features a blue glittery deer head looking out over a giant ocean towards a golden heart. There are two towns, possibly in different lands or countries. The people in the two towns can see each other but can't visit because there is no bridge or road connecting the two lands. They can possibly communicate by flashing lights at each other but that's it.

The deer wants to get to the heart but can't easily get to it. There is a crumbly matrix like structure in the ocean and the deer could try to cross the ocean on the matrix but it looks a bit dangerous and risky. The deer won't know if he is going to be injured or drown in the crossing until he reaches the other side of the matrix. The title of the piece is 'Big Risk'.

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