In My Life...

By steeble

The Terminal

That awful time arrives where you have to fly home.... Going on holiday isn't as bad you have something new waiting for you. Coming home you know what's there... So the flight doesn't even have that excitement.

Airports on the way home are strange aren't they? The people are all zombie like... I think when the Zombie apocalypse will begin in an airport.

This picture is of a random lady, sitting alone reading her book. The world passed her by for a good while. I find it hard to get into books and even harder blocking out the outside world..... Since leaving school I've read only 2. The Da Vinci Code, and '5 people you meet in heaven' by Mitch Albom which is about a man who does and on his way to heaven meets 5 people who have in some way influenced or changed his life path in some way. Strange how I got into that book so easy but don't find reading a 'must'.

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