accidental awesome

By alexamato

I'm starting to knock off items on my Edinburgh Bucket List as there's only another month and a bit before we move down south.

I've never seen the Meadowbank Velodrome so I headed down there on my bike for a look around. The facility is definitely looking a bit ratty and in need of a facelift. Still, the track was impressive. I was really tempted to grab my bike and give it a go....that was until I started walking it and realised how ridiculously steep it gets on the curves. Like, silly steep. If you're not going balls-out fast then you're crashing for sure.

Then I spent this evening up on Arthur's Seat. I'm wanting to get some good time-lapse clips around Edinburgh, so I spent about an hour taking 5sec interval shots of the sunset over the city.

After some fancy computer work I have a short but awesome time-lapse video. Too bad there's no blipvideo to show it on!

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