
By BrandonK4

Pigeon Man

Was in York with my girlfriend and her family, stop for lunch at an italian cafe and across the road we saw a man sat down on the bench with pigeons jump on him and climbing on him, he almost seem to be able to communicate with them, I stopped eat my pasta and walk out of the cafe and across to him, some of the pigeons ran off but he calmly said "they will come back". I aksed him if i could take his photograph and his reply was "yeah sure", so i took a pace back and wait for a few pigeons to come back, and sure enough they did, i quickly focused with my Olympus xa and took the shot. I really like street photography and particularly photographs of interesting people and interesting events. Had i been carrying a huge DSLR the man may not have let me take his photo or could have scared the pigeons, but instead I had the fantastic, small, pocket-able rangefinder that is the XA.
This is one of the very very few colour images i have taken.
Fuji Sensia 200,
Film is not dead.

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