Sun and Rain

We left Yangon on the 12.30 flight for Mandalay, almost 500 miles to the north.  Both cities were once 'the capital', but whereas Yangon was only 'recently' replaced, Mandalay had its heyday centuries ago.

It was only after we had napped in the afternoon and dilly-dallied about things in general that we finally decided to go out and make something of what was left of the day.  Our choice was a walk along the old fort, a 2x2 square-kilometer area.  It was humidly hot when we left the hotel but the heavy grey clouds weren't far away and every now and then we had to shelter under the trees.  The shot shows one such moment, with the sun out but the rain coming down.  Finally, some 1.5 hours later, just as we had reached our 'goal', which was four kilometers further, we had a real loud and windy downpour.  As luck would have it, or should I say bad luck, we had left our umbrellas in the room and were partly soaked.  No big deal, we just waited a bit, then made a final run for it to the nearest restaurant, and had our dinner.  That done, we simply paid two motorcycle taxis to take us back to the hotel.

I have to get used to using an air-conditioner.  Not too cold because I'd get sick, and perhaps hubby as well, not too hot because hubby wouldn't be able to sleep.  No plans for the next day, we'll see what we're in the mood for.  We won't have any pre-paid tour guides waiting for us, which means we won't need to get up at seven and have breakfast at eight.

The WiFi is too slow, or perhaps the broadband isn't broad enough, but it appears that it will be too much for the system if I try to upload extras.

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