horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


When I went back to work in the office last week, after working from home the week before, there wasn't really a way to tell if there was any real difference in the arm. Mainly because there was a background ache and occasional pain all the time. Certainly I got tired.

This week there's progress of sorts. There are more lulls in the aching and much less pain (only really when without thinking I move in a certain way, or too quickly, or push the arm juuuuust to that point in the way the physio explained). Which means today I realised that it's not the sitting at the desk that's causing discomfort, but rather the travel. Bound into a sling the elbow stiffens up, and takes a while to ease off. So got to the bottom of that. Can't dispense with the sling yet, but still have the mix of in-office and working from home. 

Other good news, the exit wound is finally almost completely closed up, and the surgery scar is starting to lose some of its scabbing (aren't you glad you've read this far?) and looks distinctly neater than the previous surgery scar.

Right, that's the medical report done (more for me to look back then anything else).

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