A change in the weather.

A change in the weather.
We think it was our fault for finally changing the car for one that had functioning air conditioning, but last night the rains came.
The change in the weather meant the cancelling of the boat trip to the Skelligs so we had to have a major rethink.
First a trip to Ross Castle which is just down the road. Then in deference to the rain a potter round St Mary's Catherdral. Both were delightful.
Late afternoon we found ourselves in a jaunting cart at Muckross Abbey, where this was taken. We so nearly didn't bother and we were so glad that we did. A really special place.
And finally Killarney Races where Mr EAnn won 2 of his 5 bets and got places in 2 others. I got the winner in the 5th and if I had taken more care would have had another win and another place. Great fun. Why have we never done this before?

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