Another Fine Mess

Some time ago a plumber was recommended to us by an acquaintance. We have been putting things right ever since, as we discover them. Another example of his supreme ineptitude came to light last night when Mrs.Joesblips woke me from my slumbers at 12.40am to announce that she reckoned we had a leak somewhere in the attic.

This is it. Another fine mess he has got us into. The header tank for the central heating, leaking at its output side. I have a proper plumber looking at it tonight. Right now he is away looking for a new ball cock which also needs replacing.

He is a very good man but unfortunately seems to expect that I am an expert where piping etc is concerned. In fact I am not which is the very reason I called him in the first place. He insists that I follow, watch and approve his every move so there goes another evening. With a bit of luck we will have the water turned on by bedtime but I don't see myself getting back here until tomorrow.

Happy Days!

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