It's All a Blur

It was Miss E's last day at school today. Woohoo!!
They broke up at lunchtime so Miss L had one more morning of having me to herself!
I told her she could do whatever she wanted and she chose to take Archie for a walk down the new "tunnel" walk I discovered the other day and then go to the park. She's an easy little sausage to please!!
We had the best morning!!!! She loved the walk through the tunnel. In fact she spent much of the walk running as fast as she could up and down the banks. With arms outstretched and whooping like a loon!!
We took Archie home, I had a quick cup of tea and then we headed over to the park. 
An hour of spinning, jumping, swinging, running, climbing, bouncing and near death experiences on the zip line!! See extras for a few more photos.
Then it was time to go and get Miss E and let the Summer holidays begin!

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